The 2 kids were lazing around and I caught Toby and Tamy slpin next to each other on the floor for the 1st time... Tamy was like lyin so near the curve of Toby's stomach lor... Aiyo no cam or hp with me at that moment sia. KNS~ The minute I stood up onli the both of them got up. Argh~ so no nice close pic liao. Only managed to snap this pic of them on the floor facing each other and of Tamy napping while Jessica was here.
Jessica came over to our plc ard 1+ in the afternoon and soon, the rest came over abt 2+ onwards... Of cos we were all waitin for Yoshi and Shiro to come... heheh... the minute they came... there was quite abit of barking... and lots of sniffing... In fact, Yoshi kept sniffing Toby's butt the minute he stepped into the hse. He kept following Toby whereever he went and sniff his butt intermittently until he went hm... hmm... I'm wondering if there's something wrong with Toby's butt again : There were lots of peeing and pooin in the hse yesterday with 4 dogs around... kept us abit busy oso... =Þ
Shirley and Angie couldnt make it this time round... nvm... I'm sure there'll be more gatherings... no worries... U guys can still see Tamy and Toby when Garry comes to fetch Fionn and myself this friday after our Spore Flyer Dinner event. Oh ya.... Dinesh came too... he was shocked cos 3 growns dogs were barking at him at the entrance when he reached... Sorrie Dinesh... Hope you're not too terrified ah... I tink he did better than the last time he came... now he's able to manage with 4 dogs around him... which is very good :)
Yoshi was practically glued to Toby from the moment he laid eyes on him... heheh... :) When Toby started gettin irriated and was abit aggressive, he was put into Tamy's playpen and Yoshi would sit next to him on the outside... n start whinning... Awww.... this Yoshi ah.... den he would start seranading to Toby lor... kekeke... had to take a few shots cos it looks so cute... I tink Yoshi is singing "I'll standby You" to Toby man!~ haha...
Tamy is not missing in action oso ah... she's got her eyes set on Shiro... keeps followin him ard... even when Shiro doesnt like it... n she keeps enticing him to play with her... hahah... very cute site... cos she would bark at him... crouch on the floor with her butt in the air to aggitate him n make him chase her... hahaha... that got him into action :) when Toby was out of the playpen, whenever Yoshi or Shiro tries to play rough with Tamy... Korkor comes to protect... woooohoo... surprising neh.. :) hahah...
This is a classic shot of Dinesh taken with Toby on his lap and Yoshi standing next to him... Heheh... :) See how smart and happy Yoshi is when Toby is near him? Heheh.... "I'll stand by you... Never gonna give u up..."
Jessica, Priya & Dinesh left in the late afternoon and Fionn, Mave, Shulynn & Marcel stayed on at our plc... as usual the men were playing Garry's PS3... his new love... he actually took 1/2 day on friday to meet Van at Clementi jus to buy his precious PS3 lor... KNS~ The men were busy playing soccer... while we sat with the furkids and started talkin... den we realised that it was comin 8pm n so after much "discussion" the men went to tabao zhi cha back... hahah... after dinner we sat ard the dining area and I told them abt the autistic boy living in my block... Fionn and Mave oso had their story of their autistic upstairs neighbours to share.
Den we shared with Shulynn and Marcel our experience of house huntin... choosing our ID... renovations and stuffs like tt... kekek... they looked abit confused and abit unsure... no worries ah... we are all here to help in anyway we can... :) Anyway we talked and talked until 11+ or so... hahaha... time jus flew by without us realising... we brought Toby down when evyone was leaving... by the time we settled down it was close to 12.30am... n Toby and Tamy were totally shacked out... see the way they're slping... hehe... All in all... it was a reali enjoyable saturaday!~
Waiting for my family to come over to me plc ard 5pm or so cos they wanna see Tamy... again... last week saw liao this week need to see again *pEngz* They come not to see me, Garry or Toby lor... Anyway after tt we will be going for steamboat at Suntec to celebrate Mother's Day!!~ :) Hehehe.... Happy Mother's Day Mummy... though we dont always say it... I'm sure you know that we are thankful for everything u've done and for all the sacrifices... We Love U very muchie... :)
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