Handsome fella... be a good boy as always ya... Mummy & Daddy Loves U lots...
Didnt manage to do much work during the 1st half of the day... Joelle came to work but she had some sort of a rash tt looked like chicken pox on her shoulder... told her to go see a doc even though she's had the pox bwfore... turned out that she's havin Shingles... aiyo... poor thing lor... she'll be on MC until thur n has to go see her gynae on fri to check... coincidentally, the company doc and her gynae were classmates... how much smaller can the world get? Rest well ya Joelle... dun wanna see u at work until next Tues wor... =Þ
Was gettin a drink when I saw Fionn showing Esther her new scheduler that she bought over the weekend... Hello Kitty sia... Angie sure like it... den when I went back to my seat, Shulynn oso said she bought her 2008 planner liao... wahlau these pple even faster than me sia... There I was tinking that it might be too soon for the 2008 planners to be out and yet there are others who have already bought theirs. Hmmm...
Told Angie that I needed to go Sistic to collect the tickets to Beauty World and that I wanted to go to ABnC to take a look at their planners. Started doin my web orders around 9+ and rushed to complete it by 11.50am... den it was lunch time... got some kind souls to tabao for the both of us while we went on our impt mission... Got stuck at the shop for more than 30min cos couldnt decide which planner to get... sickening lor... everything all sealed up sia... den only had some samples but it wasnt the ones that Angie and myself shortlisted... cos i wanted something that had the monthly calendar followed by daily n ending of with a memo page... but we couldnt choose to see which of the planners were in this format. In the end I saw the planner below and decided to get it... abit cartoonish but wat the heck... it's supposed to look fun lor... kekeke...
Was raining cats and dogs when we wanted to leave Bugis Junction to go back to office lor... piangz... good thing we haf our unbrellas with us... After lunch couldnt wait to use the planner I bought.... starts with Oct 07 and ends with Mar 09. Not too bad ah... at least can start using now... kekeke.... but had to control cos I haven started doin my emails den... heng ah the emails I got were nt too difficult... Managed to complete my quota for the day...
Left office with Chitra and we took the train back... Met garry at Yew Tee and as usual he was queuing to buy ToTo... hmm... in the end gone with the wind oso... wahaha... Anyway, went to get dinner before bringing toby down.... accompanied to 2 boys down today...talk and talk as we were walking... he was updating me abt what happened at work after being away for 2 weeks and I was doing the same... hehehe.... came home for dinner and was watching this variety show on Channel U... suddenly cant remember the name... something about looking for the prettiest and most handsome student on campus... Piangz... today's search was at SIM.... Err... Hhmmm.... I beta not comment to much oso... Pwui!!!
Hahaha.... the yakult auntie came today and as usual Toby was barking at her in the end decided not to hold him and let him go near her at the gate... KNS... tt boy action onli... go near onli start waggin his tail and standing on his hind legs at the gate... want the auntie to sayang him... CheY!!! Was talking to my Sara ver MSN and realised that TTSH hospital hasnt contacted me since the last time... WTF! I'm definately going to write another letter and shoot it to their CEO and COO directly without sending it to their Patient Relations Service Dept. I wanna see how long it will take them to reply me this time... and if they will reply at all! Assholes!!!
I guess I shall end here.... need to go meddle with my new planner liao... but come to tink of it... nw not reali in the mood oso... damn it...
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