Went to pump petrol n the minute we turned into the station he got excited n was wondering where we were as this was his 1st time there... kekek... So kpo lor kept looking were Garry was walkin to when he got out of the car... then looked at the pump attendant to see what he was doing... and when he couldnt see he stood on hos hind legs on the car seat to see... When garry went to the cashier he kept lookin n lookin eventhough he was no longer in sight... onli when 2 cars blocked his view did he turn to look at me... Hehehe.... cant stand this boy man... so curious all the time...

Went out on Sat nite to Changi Airport... abit bo liao lor but we didnt have anywhere to go... hahah... ended up at Coffee Bean for coffee... while talkin, we decided to bring the 2 boys to Bishan Dog Run on Sunday morning n decided to leave the house by 8+.
When we were on our way to the Dog Run, the sky looked rather cloudy lor... when we reached Bishan Park, there were already about 8-10 dogs in the dog run. Surprisingly, Toby onli got excited and didnt bark... I conclude that he wouldn't bark when he's within close proximity of another dog... will only get curious and wanna sniff the dog... hehehe... Good Boy Toby!
When we were at the gate going in, the other dogs all got excited and crowded around Toby... heheh... must be bcos he was a new comer there... but the same didnt happen for Terry wor... though some of the other dogs also wanted to sniff him, there was this particular beagle who started barking at him n nt long after Terry growled at him... aiyoz... poor fella... Van ad to stand with him outside the run area... the beagle the was barking at him had a reali weird bark wor... like havin sore throat like tt... not sure if thats how its supposed to sound... cos the few i heard all had normal barks...
In the end, I brought Terry in for awhile cos that fella became so timid when all the other dogs started approaching him... poor thing la... in the end he went into the other side of the run where there werent any dogs around... tink he's not used to being around so many friendly dogs... heheh... while all this happened, Toby was bz gettin acquainted with the other dogs as well as inspecting the dog run area... there was a moment when i lost sight of him bcos he was behind this small hut... gave me a fright wor... cos cldnt see him anywhere.. it was onli after callin him a few time did he come round from the back of the hut... Notti Boy boy!
Anyway, the onli pic that I managed to get of him was this cos half the time he was running evywhere with the other dogs... Tink he reali enjoyed himself... oh ya! Tis terry pangsai so many times while we were there lor... tink maybe he scared... heheh...

Not long after it started raining lor... piangz... everyone started calling their dogs and running to their cars n evy other direction... I tink these 2 boys not fated to go out sia... the last time brought them to Sentosa it also rain. Hmmm.... anyway we decided to drive to West Coast to see if the west area was sunny or not... but sad to say i tink it was rainin island-wide lor... Wat else but more photos... We ended up tabao-in bfast at west coast mac... What a wet day man!

While we were hafin bfast in the car, Garry asked if we wanted to go see the "Monkey God" tree since we were around the west area... since we had no where else to go, we went there to KPO KPO lor... kekeke... when we reached that place, we were surprised to see that there were actuali barricades set up along the road where those trees were at... n there was already a crowd gathered around that stretch... jialatz man... these pple wake up so earli man... I was surprised to see pple praying n buring joss sticks n joss paper... seemed as if there were worshipping the tree n not the gods lor... As usual, I snapped some shots there as well... hmm... I wonder if its reali true or is it jus a coincidence lor... Well I guess to each their own...

Well... that's more or less how the weekend passed.... Garry started his 2 weeks reservist yesterday n would only be back after next week... Van is stayin over on some days since her lessons starts at 8am... hehehe... we had a hard time figuring how to open the dryer door cos its kinda spoilt... Although Garry showed Van how to open she still din know lor... in the end had to wait for his call before I figured how to open it... kekek...
Talked to him on the phone for awhile before he went off to slp... evyone in camp like damn shack lor... so earli all slpin liao... hehe... told him to go slp too... den went to do mask.... kekek... :) after tt went to bed... Toby got to slp with me last nite... heheh... happily chewing on his milk bone in the room before he too slept... Woke up this morning at 6.15am to bring Toby down for his walk lor... piangz... so slpy the whole morning at work lor... jialat man... simply couldnt keep my eyes open... ended up takin a super short nap... heheh...
Half way thru my web orders, i ended talkin to angie n i cant remember what we were talkin about but in the end, we set-up a blog for her... hahaha... tink she will also be hooked soon... kekek... finally she has her own blog lor... n she will be the next one to bug Chitra soon apart from me... kekeke...
The rest of the went by as usual... rushing to close the batches cos tmw's month end closing... both Joelle and myself pek cek with u know who la... keep bugging us abt our pending batches... cant she read the damn notes we left under the batch entry? Piangz eh... talk abt her onli sure pu hway wan man... In the end the both of us couldnt complete today's allocation and had to bring forward 2hours of grouping to tomorrow... hmm... it will be another sickening day... worse cos its closing...
Mummy sms me to update me on papa's condition... he had to go for CT scan on his brain n also had to jab his spine for something... cant remember wat liao... other than that he seems his usual self... there were both good & bad news... but at least doc said that it hasnt affected the more vital parts of his body & organs. I must say that papa has been reali strong during this whole ordeal... whether or nt he's trying to come to terms with his condition or wateva thats going on his mind, he just doesnt want it to affect us. Tink what matters most now is for him to get his energy back so that treatment can start... anything else can sort of be put on hold for awhile... throughout this whole time since he's been hospitalised, i heard that his treatment hasnt started... was rather surprised cos i tot that it had...
Anyway, mummy also said that doc mentioned that if evything remains ok n nothing happens, he might be able to be discharge over the weekend...Hope all goes well then he can go home n rest... at least wont be so bored... oh ya... heard from mummy that a new patient got admitted this morning n is stayin in the ward next to papa... kinda histerical n screaming away sia... hope that person cools down soon man...
After work ended takin cab home with Joelle, Zena and ShuLynn since we were the westies and were all going home... managed to get into a cab in front of Bugis Junction Office towers... initially we tot that we were so lucky cos we waited less than 5min onli... but the minute he heard that we were going to 2 locations the drivers face abit put off... After that he insisted that we all use the seat belt... Shulynn was on the phone but he still made some hand-sign to her lor... he even almost stretched across to pull the seat belt for her sia if not for Joelle who helped...
Ha! And that was before we told him that there would be 2 stops at each location lor... Anyway halfway thru the journal he switched off the radio lor... maybe cos Joelle, Zena n myself were talkin at the back.. but still! Cant talk meh? Angry sia... Anyway after Joelle & Zena got off, Shulynn was tellin him to go by Stagmont Ring n he didnt even acknowledged her lor... sickening man... neva even nod or turn his head or wateva la... Swine! Before Shulynn got off she gave tt "attitude man this driver" look and I was like yeah!~
After Shulynn got off, I read the noticed that was printed by the driver which he stick at the back of the head rest of the 2 front seat... KNS!~ Read this notice onli u know this driver very ko tak! Since i had my cam with me, I decided to snap both the notice and the license number of the Trans cab... had to put the cam to silent and off the flash... so pic quality might not be that good... heheh....
Reached home and saw Van dwnstairs with Toby. While i was fine-tuning the french beans that Van helped to cut cos they were too thick, Van called and asked me to bring slippers down for her cos hers broke... hahaha... went down n found this guy with another Schnauzer standing with van... hehehe... her slippers broke cos Toby saw this dog while peeing and as usual he bcame kan chiong an wanted to sniff the other dog. So when she turned suddenly the front part of her slippers gave way... hahah...
Found out that he was stayin opp my blk onli lor... apparently Van said that before i went down, he kept askin her abt Toby and whether his ears were cropped n all n said that it's illegal to do it in spore... kns... when Van said besides the command sit he knows how to paw n do other stuffs he was like sure or nt n did a test on Toby lor.. hahaha... lucky thing toby responded... n neva show attitude... hahaha... Van got abit irritated when he kept askin her qns so she told him to wait for me to go down then he can ask me cos its my dog n i would knw more abt the breed... hahaha.. so he asked her what dog she kept n when she said Fox Terrier he jus tiam tiam stand there... Van said maybe he doesnt know what that is or much about dogs... jus talk big onli... she said jus look at his own dog can tell if he knows much about dogs n how to keep them or not... judgin from his dog, we both doubt it... hahaha....
When i went down he kept askin what shampoo i used, what i fed toby with and where i went for grooming... kns... den told me that he's breeding his dog n if all goes well, the puppies should be born on 11 nov n he is selling each for abt 550... kns... see his dog oredi sian... hopefully the bitch is of good breed sia...anyway we decided to go home cos it started to drizzle... Before that he mentioned that his dog is on vegetarian so that it wouldnt be so smelly... for a minute i was like huh? But i din bother much oso cos. Hahah... even Toby oso couldnt reali be botherd...
Reached home and started cooking fried rice for dinner for Van & myself... still have balance lor... tink will have that for lunch tomorrow... heheh... Finally Mr Lee decided to call me lor... been waiting since jus now... updated him on what happened today n all... den told him to go slp cos he had to wake up at 5.30am for his mission liao... he said he wont be callin me the next 2 days and that he wouldnt be reachable cos they are not allowed to bring their HPs out during this mission... *siah* sianz sia... I guess I'll jus have to wait until Thur when he finally gets to call me lor... Till then....
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