Many things have happened during the course of this week... to sum it all... they were bitter sweet moments... hmm... if onli evything was to be sweet den how good it would be... Anyway... it seems like the past week has been like a spending spree for me... I bought 3 pairs of shoes... stuffs for Toby... and today we went and bought stuffs from Daiso, John Little, Marks & Spencer (bought a skirt that was on sale... super duper low wor... paid onli $20 for it... reali was a bargain man... heheh...) Pet Safari (yes yes yes somethings for Toby again... heheh...) While we were leaving Pet Safari, Garry asked me to read this 10 Commandments that was at the entrance... makes lots of sense for people who are thinking of gettin a pet... Took a pic of it with my HP Cam
BUT of all the things I bought, the best item bought was by my dearest... Heheh... he bought me the latest Canon Ixus 860 IS. YiPpY!~ Thanks baby... *mUaCkz*

Work was the same the past week... gd that it was sort of a short wk for me as I was on leave on yesterday... Why? Becos it's my 2nd Wedding Anniversary lor... hehehe... Happy Anniversary Darling~ Loving every minute of it n of cos many more yrs to come... Love u!!~ Angie went for her scan recently... but still cant confirm the sex of the baby lor... aiyo making us all so kan chiong man... hope we will be able to tell soon... den can start buying barang barang for your precious one liao... kekeke.... :)
Anyway... these are more or less the happy sweets events that happened the past week.... the bitter moment was when i received a call from my mum on thur during lunch time. She said that Papa was at the clinic hafin his check-up n was asked to do an x-ray on his lungs as he had been breathless the past few days. Results of the x-ray showed that he now had an infection in his lungs which is causing him to have pnemonia... *siGh* Doc wants him to be admitted and hospitalised for at least a week to monitor his condition... lucky mummy was with him and helped with the admission procedure... she also took a blood test on thur as well...
Went home after wk on thur to bring Toby down n to wait for Garry to come back from camp as he had to go back for his briefing bcos his reservist is during the next 2 wks... sian man!!! :( By the time he came home and bath it was almost 9+. Subsequently we took a cab down to the hospital to see how papa was doin... hmmm... hope he recovers from this pnemonia soon...
Garry n me met Sara at VivoCity and had Carl Junior for lunch yesterday... ssssoooo filling man... then we walked around and that was when I bought my Canon Ixus and skirt from Marks & Spensers... hehehe.... since we had time before meeting mummy at Wisma, we decided to go to John Little at Marina Square... while we were on the way, I was bz meddling with my new cam in the car... hehehe... took some shots of the ferris wheel... the CBD area and also sunset against Swissotel... nice hor... hehehe... reali happie with the cam so far... kekeke...
We parked the car at Suntec and while we were walkin out off suntec... Miss Sara had to pose in front of Sincere Watch lor... kns...
And while walkin out... there was this vintage car from the musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang... and again someone had to be in the pic lor... said the pic looked nicer becos she's in it... Oh Pls....
Anyway we made our way to Marina Square and before i could go to John Little, Mr Lee was complaining that he was thirsty and that his legs were aching from all the walkin earlier... so we took a short break at Yoshinoya for a drink... took some pics there as well... heheh... see his shack face... hahaha... =Þ
After Mr Lee rested enough, we went shopping at John Little... bought some toiletries and after that we headed for Wisma... Went to Din Tai Fong for dinner with mummy and Van oso decided to join us there after she finished giving tution at Yishun... since Garry, Sara and myself were rather full still, we ordered finger food to share... onli mummy and Van ate something heavier... once again I had to use my cam to take some pics while we were there.... hehehe...
After dinner, we ta bao some xiao long bao and soup and headed to the hospital to visit papa... when we arrived, he was lyin on bed reading the book I brought him yesterday... almost finished man... tink I beta bring another 2 more tmw when I visit him and also newspapers... din manage to get it for him yesterday as we didnt pass any news stand or petrol station on our way there...
As papa was still under observation and all, we had to wear masks when we visited him in his ward so as not to pass any germs to him... and of cos, I had to take sme pics of us wearing the mask lor... hehehe...
Hopefully the nurse would be able to extract some phelgm out from papa soon for testing... they tried once on fri but not much came out so they told him that they had to do it again tmw... Then when the results are out and if favourable, we won't have to wear the mask anymore when we are there... cant stand it leh.. so hot man... cant breathe properly oso... talkkin abt masks, this sara used it wrongly twice lor... 1st time she used it upside down n 2nd time she used it inside out... goodness man... wasted din capture that moment...
We left the hospital slightly before 10pm and sent mummy and the 2 girls home before we headed back ourselves... Toby was so excited when he saw us... tink its mainly bcos he high-tide liao... Garry brought Toby down n I went to wash up and unpack the stuffs that I bought... While I am composing this entry, it was Garry's turn to play with the cam and wat else did he do? Heheh... of cos take some pics of his son lor... hehehe... photos came out well... rather sharp image... 2 thumbs up for the cam... :)
It's been a long and tiring week for myself, Garry n my family since so much has happened... Mentally as well as physically strained man... *siGh* I guess I'll end off here for now... Tmw's another day... going to pick Sara and then head down to Velocity at Novena Square... tink will walk around that area for awhile before visiting papa... must remember to get newspapers tis time... Till then, I pray and hope evything gets beta...
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