When i took Momo out from his carrier, there was a small hole under his right front paw... went to get the sewing kit from Edna n did a minor operation and he's now heeling well. But becos of this incident, some of my colleagues have given Momo nicknames like Moley, Holey, White fur and Qi Mong lor... *PenGz*
When i came back from lunch today, they even had the cheek to give me flyers tucked nicely under Momo's collar soliciting for business.... Have managed to take sme pics of the so-called flyers...
Enough abt what's been happening in ofc...
Another update which i had not had the time the past few days to input was that we brought the boys to sentosa on sunday for a swim and boy did they have a good time there... went swimming and I end up hafin sunburn n a tann... hmm... wonder if thats gd or nt... Anyway before we left, mummy fried bee hoon, sausages, nuggest and drumlets... we left the hse ard 10+ or so... when we reached sentosa it was kinda hot... good weather i must say... compared to the rain the past few days... heheh...
We all had a great time n were all shacked out... Anyway, here's a short video of the whole outing...
I guess the 2 boys must have enjoyed themselves alot... can't wait for their next outing...
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