I still have a heavy heart each time I tink of what's happened or listen to songs that either reminded me of that someone or the many songs that were sung by that person or was one of the many favourites of that person... I guess it takes time... a long time... but then again, I believe one can never be prepared for such a "news"... It's difficult to put a brave front at work as well as in front of others when whateva that's happenin is always at the back of my mind... It's especially difficult if that person is someone you look up to... someone you hold very dear to your heart... Having said that life still has to go on.... We have to make the best of whateva's avaliable.
I reached office and as usual went to the pantry with Angie to make tea... then we saw 3 boxes of mooncakes from GMP... Angie being preggy wanted to eat the egg yolk mooncake n we ended up cutting the mooncake... Joelle the other mummy to be oso had 1 piece... as it was all the traditional oven baked kind i gave it a miss... There was even 1 in the osmanthus flavour... we didnt dare try it cos u neva know what it might taste like... there was however, 1 brave soul... Jessica... who tried a small piece and said that it tasted like cardboard... hahahah.... thanks for sacrificing ah darling...
The day went by as usual... work work n more work... which can neva end... went to ta bao lunch back... yum yum... felt so slpy after tt lor... hehehe... anyway Hazel emailed the dept that she's bought mooncakes for us... yiPpy!!~ More mooncakes... and the good thing is that there was the snowskin kind... yeAh!! That I love.... if it's the durian mooncake or champagne truffle or bailys irish cream in snow skin u can give it to me anytime man!!! My favourites.... hahahah....
Thanks to Zena who cut the mooncake into pieces and brought it round the whole office for each of us.... or else I think we won't have time to go to the pantry lor... hehehe...
From the picture above, u can tell how neatly it was cut up initially... but as usual... there was Esther who was so helpful and did her artwork by cutting one of the mooncakes into rectangular pieces... below is her UNIQUE piece of work.... Thanks ah Esther for being so helpful leh... =Þ
Is there more that needs to be said when you compare both mooncakes?? *siGh*

As it was abit of a turn off, Angie and myself refused to take a piece... heheh... Sorrie ah esther... nothing against u hor... dun get angry with us ah.... heheh... what we said about jus being your colleague n not yr friend was jus a joke ah... kekeke... U know that we love you rite? No one can replace you... especially for me... How can i forget my mentor who likes to shift my windows and keyboard when she used to audit me?? Hehehe... Apart from Angie and myself, there were a few brave souls who are reali Esther's true friend... they took a piece from her unique artwork...
Friend #1:
A Happy Josephine "Quietly" Huang Bibi taking the 1st piece.... but hang on... this was taken before she saw the masterpiece... Hey Joyce... dun snigger quietly at your corner ah... Caught u on cam liao... hehehehe....
Ahahaha.... this was when the masterpiece was present.... huh?? What were u sayin??? SSHhhhhiii.... hehehe...
Jasmine "Ho Man ah" taking on the challenge...
Bravo for you.... what a brave front u presented... I'm sure Esther will love you more.... I know she hates me for not takin a piece of her artwork...
Here comes our 3rd and last victim...
Friend #3
Mischevious Playful Jessica "GinGin Ma" minutes before she took part in fear factor... hahaha....
Getting all ready to select the best piece...
Wah!! GinGin Ma... Esther's masterpiece reali that nice & tasty meh?? Can pose so nicely smemore ah....
With the many shoots of Esther's friend who so gungho-ly tried the mooncake that she specially cut up, how could I not indulge myself and include the Master herself?!?!?! It would be a crime not to... :)
Hey Esther!! Dun pretend pretend take file and go to Cheng Yee to ask her about work ah... yr eyes still lookin at me lor... hahaha... Dun have to cover up your identity wan la.... Hmm... or maybe she's just skiving... hahahaha.... She's reali going to kill me this time... eh but then again... lucky your hair not messy in this pic ya... hahahah..... =Þ In fact reali look pro leh...
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