Saturday, September 13, 2008

My Baby Girl... A Lady...

My my my.... woke up this morning with the intention of bringing the kids to Sentosa for a swim as we went back to get the car from papa late last nite so that it would be easier for us to bring the kids ard even if we haf to go back to houg to fetch them... however, it looks like there is now a change of plans liao... why?? Cos my baby girl has turned into a LADY!!! :) Hehehe....

Yes yes yes... she is only 6 months 3 weeks and 2 days old... and today is the 1st day of her mensus... i woke up after receiving a phone call from mummy informin us that it's raining... so was abit disheartened that the weather wasnt too good... so went out without using my specs to talk to garry as he was already awake...

As usual the 2 of them got excited when they saw me... started jumping, licking n scratchin my leg... after awhile they sat on the floor... hehehe... :) den as I was about to go wash up, i noticed this stain on the floor n went like eeee... wat is tt? since i couldnt see clearly... n asked if it was blood or wat... Mr Lee looked down n said yeah blood... 1st thing tt came into my mind was tt 1 of them injured themselves... but I was wrong... it turned out that Tamy was bleedin...

So we realised that she could be hafin her mensus... but i recalled Serene tellin me that the 1st few days would be very light spotting... hmm... as usual... being the kan chiong me when it comes to my babies... i quickly called her to ask... she asked me to check if Tamy's vulva & nipples were swollen and after checking, I can confirm that they are... wooo.... den she said to check if Tamy has yellowish discharge... so I did after we ended our call.... true enough, though there wasnt much yellowish discharge, there were drops of diluted blood.... similar to us humans.... yiKes~

After all the checks, I am proud to confirm that Tamy is a Lady now... hehehe.... so change of plans... no more beach n swimming... we'll be off to U-Petgamart instead to get her panties and pads... cos dun wan her to stain the floor n her bed... better not la... wait Mr Lee will jump... not so much so from anger but more from disgust... I'm sure... hahaha... :) Till my next update on my Baby girl who is now a Lady... :)