And on sat, we had a birthday party to attend... it was like a dual celebration cos both Daddy & daughter's birthday fell on the same day :) We headed off to Joelle's place around 1pm and took a slow walk there under the blistering sun... they live 2 bus-stops away from me... :)
Richard & Joelle have really outdone themselves by decorating their place for their little Princess's 1st birthday party... tsk tsk... looks very bright and sunny... like a child care centre :) even I had alot of fun... hahaha... Thanks for inviting Garry & myself wor... kekeke...
We were one of the few who arrived and shortly after the rest came... totally forgot to take my cam out until after we had lunch... hehehe... Here's Cindy jiejie playing with all the babies... :) She's a hot babe herself... :)
A shot of Gabby whispering to Richard... asking where her mummy was... :)
Nicky & Mr Lee playing...
Den Nicky found tt sitting on Mr Lee's thigh was more comfortable... hahaha... :)
The girls playin... in time, Megan would be joining them... :)
I jus had to take this close shot of Nicky... love him to bits... :)
By now, you should be able to tell that I cant stop taking pics of Nicholas... :) He's such a loveable and huggable charmer... hehehe... :) and he's grown so much since the last we saw him in Jan...
More pics of Megan who was slightly cranky... :P
And of Bernice... looking abit grumpy cos I was disturbing her from her lunch...
Nicky's a ladies' man... :)
And Megan's such a doll...
Presenting Megan's very lovely Birthday cake from Cupcake Divinity... :)
Then it was Daddy's turn to cut his surprise cake from Joelle... :)
The Cheng's chilling on the play matt.... Only Daddy Cheng was missing as he couldnt make it...
And of cos more shots of this little guy... :)
Littly Gabby definately loves sweet stuffs... :)
I chose this pretty purple pink lady bird design... :)
Then it was time for Nicholas & Angie to leave... :) Nicky kissing Valerie Jiejie good-bye... I guess even Valerie was smitten by him... hehehe... :)
We left shortly after and took a slow stroll home... good thing it rained earlier on so the weather wasnt as hot as when we were walkin over earlier on...
We didnt do much on Sunday as Garry had to go shao mu with his family & relative while I stayed home as Gora came over to clean the place... we went to fetch my family around 5+ and headed off to Courts in Tampiness... den we decided to head down to AMK Hub to get some stuff. On our way there, the weirdest and least expected thing happened!!~
We were cruising down TPE and were along SLE when this happened... there was this row of private houses along this short stretch of SLE and as we were approaching that section, I chanced upon this naked man running and hiding behind this high fench that was situated near the row of private houses. I was initially shock as I never expected this to happen. U usually see this only on drama shows... hahaha...
The distance between our car and where that guy was hiding wasnt too wide... I could even make out how he looks like and boy was he in shock! Hahaha... he had on tt shocked n frightened look on his face... it was as though he was running away from a scandal gone wrong! Hahaha...
Wateva it is, I jus thank god that there wasnt any accident at that moment when he decided to dash for the fence and flash his naked self to anyone driving down SLE towards AMK... :D So much for my exciting and tiring weekend...
I made plans to meet up with my sisters after work yesterday for dinner and to go shopping... since Van and I were earli, we went to Raffles Hotel 1st as I wanted to get my Key & Change purse... yippy~ I now have a complete matching set... hehehe... I'm more than contented with my stash at the moment... hahahah... :P And Garry has also started using his wallet... :) Looks like we're Damier Fans and the collection is starting to grow :)
After that, we headed down to Bugis Village and there, I bought 1 top and a dress which I cant imagine when I'll wear it... hahaha... I cant get over the fact that I even bought it... please dun laff at me when u see me wearing it k... cos it'll be something u'll least expect..... heheheh... :P Anyway we headed back to Bugis Junction, went to Dorothy Perkins and I bought 2 tops there... my my my.... I seriously have to stop spending $$$. I'm going to be so broke this month... *dread*
I came home from work today and stepped into a war zone that Toby & Tamy decided to create... these 2 rascals are horrible... this is by far the worst mess ever... minutes after Garry cleared the mess, it was back to the same state again... tsk tsk tsk... these 2 must be having a jolly good time... :)
Here's a pic of Toby running to get his toy and of Tamy sneaking out to snatch Toby's toy...
Another of Tamy running to me and sitting down cos I made the angry hmm sound and of Toby hiding at his fav spot takin a peek to see if anything was going to happen to Tamy... this korkor hor... always run or hide at the 1st sound of trouble... kekeke... :)
Thank goodness its a short work week this week cos we have to bring down the service level for emails and becos of that everyone is assigned to do full day emails and I have a serious problem with hiting the targets set... in a way, it'll be a tiring and long weekend for us since its Mondi Thur which means that we have to go visiting of churches after dinner on thur and on fri we have to go for Good Friday service in the morning... but at least we'll be done by 2pm and we get to rest until Sunday which will be Easter Sunday... :)
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