Didnt wanna wake up this morning lor... but LL had to drag myself up n prepare for work... Toby looked at me like "huh y u wake up so early today... " and then he continued sleeping lor... KNS!!! He and Garry were snoozing away as i got ready for work... well at least Toby said goodbye to me before i left the house... the other one was lost smewhere in dreamland...
Came to work and had yummy beehoon breakfast bought by Esther... thanks ah... or else i tink i wont have mood and energy to do the batches lor... Those in CY's team received an email from her just before lunchtime asking if everyone was doing ok... so sweet of her... CY's on hospital leave as she had to go for a minor op but she still remembers us lor... :)
Anyway this was her email to us....
From: Choy ChengYee
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2007 11:57 AM
To: Lim Judy; Lim Angie; Khoo Rachel; Koh Joelle; Tang Shu Lynn; Wong Li Ming; Chitra Moorthy; Ragin Drann Jayapriya
Subject: How's your OT?
Hi Dear,
How's everyone getting on? I heard that during our absence, Hazel is going to be with you gals the whole day....
Sorry that I'm not able to accompany you today..
Are you having your lunch soon? The OT is going to end in just a couple of hours time. :)
Thanks & Take care.
Cheng Yee
We decided to take a picture using Angie's HP to show her how sad we all were doing our batches... those who were doing Import Claims seemed troubled and in a daze... everyone looked either gloomy, sad or lost except for LiMing lor... alamak... seems like she's very happy to come back for OT sia... hahahah....
Err... but ah... there seems to be an extra person in the pic who is not in the email from CY sia... I wonder who that is... INTRUDER!!!
I just completed my batch and decided to blog before papa comes to fetch me... the whole family's going to Choong Qing Hot Pot at Suntec for steamboat dinner before watching Golden Compass... Oh Ya!! Better remember to get SeeWei's present... but after I've gone to check out my iPod Classic and Creative Vision W... cant decide which to get till now lor... hmmm....
Anyway I am rather surprised to receive a reply from CY... hehehe....
From: Choy ChengYee
Sent: 08 December 2007 16:08
To: Lim Angie; Lim Judy; Khoo Rachel; Koh Joelle; Tang Shu Lynn; Wong Li Ming; Chitra Moorthy; Ragin Drann Jayapriya; Ang Esther; Pak Joyce
Subject: RE: How's your OT?
Waaah!! Very scarry leh.... a group of unhappy ladies.................... must show this to yor hubby / BF. =P Joyce is also there hor.... Forget that she is involved too.
My HL seems to be a blessing in disguise... else I will also be holding a stack of import claims.
Less than an hour left..... very sooooonnnnnn......
Esther, Rachel & Judy may have finished their work liao???
Have a nice evening and a happy sunday, ok.
From: Lim Angie
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2007 12:04 PM
To: Choy ChengYee; Lim Judy; Khoo Rachel; Koh Joelle; Tang Shu Lynn; Wong Li Ming; Chitra Moorthy; Ragin Drann Jayapriya; Ang Esther; Pak JoyceCc: Lim Hazel
Subject: RE: How's your OT?
Cheng Yee, ….. here is our answer on how our OT is going…
Kind Regards,
Angie Lim
We are all counting down to 5pm now... cant wait lor... hurry hurry... till then... Rest well CY.... See ya on Fri... Yeah which is the day when we'll be having our Xmas Party!! :) Hehehe....
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