Hmmm..... think the news today sort of got many pple tinking real hard regarding their jobs n all sia... -=PeNgz=- sme were like in a state or irrationality n haste.... lots of things were said n exchanged amongst a few of us... there were some who tot of resigning n all.... can undertand how they felt also la... tink i wld haf felt n reacted the same way initially.... wouldnt be logical enaf to sit n tink of the possibilities n also options.... heee.... knowing wat sort of person i m i tink i wld haf felt the same sia or maybe i wld haf reacted worse.....
Managed to talk logic n sense to some n in a way me sort of influenced their way of tinking n decisions.... i hope.... kekek... hmm.... hope tt they wont regret the decisions they make later manz or else me surely die... kekek... since i was the cause of it... hehe.... but hope for the best la... no matter wat its still sort of a win-win situation lor... hmm... hope i was rite in my way of tinking oso sia... wldnt wanna be the cause of any regret or wat-so-eva since i was sayin so many things n influencing their tots.... haiz... hope wat i said made sense oso sia... i can be senseless n illogical sometimes....

Came back home with roro today.... hafing a slight headache now... god noes y sia... hmm..... gonna haf dinner soon i guess.... kinda hungry today since me didnt reali eat much today... kekek... yeah~~~ gonna meet my baby later... kekek..... cant wait to see him so tt can tell him stuffs on wats been happening in ofc... heee... wonder if he's got any more stories of his own regardin his wk place oso or not.... kekek..... cant talk n fish for prawns at the same time... hahah.... come to tink of it.... seems kinda fun oso... hahah.... hope i haf the patience and catch some later....

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